Monday, October 5, 2009


So, yesterday was quite productive! We made homemade applesauce and canned it, that is quite the process! It takes like 3 hours to make about 7 jars of it, enough to boil all together in the big boiler pot. We also had Paul's parents over for dinner and a movie, and it was so fun! I made spaghetti and meatballs, and Lynn brought salad, garlic bread and dessert, so yummy! After dinner we watched the Pink Panther 2 (Pops reminds me of Steve Martin as Inspector Jacques Clouseau) and it was so funny! to anyone who hasn't seen it, you should definately watch both of them, super funny! Heath has been crawling around like crazy! Not quite the alternating hands and feet system yet, but he does the butt scoot. He sticks his butt up in the air, then rolls his belly forward, and gets around quite well! I gotta watch him because he likes to get into stuff, like Izze's food, or the TV cords, or Izze's food....haha its pretty funny! He's also got his sleeping schedule down pretty good! He goes to bed about 8 or 8:30, up at 3 to eat, then back to sleep til about 8. He'll take 2 naps during the day, which is nice, usually I'll take one during his morning nap, then get stuff done during his afternoon one. Anyway, this post is too long, so I will end it. More to come later!

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